わたの原 漕ぎ出でて見れば ~ rowed a boat into the wide ocean ~


 August is going to end. Last week, a big typhoon hit Japan. Some roads and fields were flooded. Flooding means that the roads, ground, fields, and other places where there is normally no water fill up with water.
 I introduce another poem about the sea. However, Going near the sea, mountains, and rivers on typhoon days is dangerous. If a typhoon is approaching, please stay as safe as possible.

わたの原 漕ぎ出でて見れば 久かたの 雲ゐにまがふ 沖つ白波

百人一首ひゃくにんいっしゅ 七十六番 ぞう


わたのはら こぎいでてみれば ひさかたの くもゐにまがふ おきつしらなみ


 The “ゐ” is a hiragana that is no longer used. It is read as “い”.
There are 46 hiragana characters and 46 katakana characters used in Japan today, for all 92 characters. I am sure it was difficult to memorize the characters at first even though you are reading this blog in Japanese now. There were over 100 hiragana characters that are not used today, such as “ゐ.” Amazing, isn’t it?
 Also, some of the hiragana characters were read differently than they are today. “まがふ” is read as ”まごう.”


わたのはらひろくて大きなうみWide and big sea
でてみればふねしてみればI row out in a boat and
くもくもくものあるところClouds or where there are clouds
にまがふ間違まちがえるmistake (A for B)
おき白波しらなみおきしろなみWhite waves off the coast


 ”Hisakatano” is a word called a ”pillow word.” It is one of the adjectives but it does not have much meaning. They are used to set the rhythm of the poem. Certain words are used together. The word “Hisakatano” is used with words such as “light,” “sky,” “moon,” “cloud,” and “rain.”
 The following link explains another poem that uses the pillow words.



I rowed my boat out into the wide ocean and mistook the white waves offshore for clouds.

 The blue sea and white waves offshore looked like sky and clouds when he rowed out. This is a poem about such scenery.
 前回ぜんかい紹介しょうかいしたうた「わたのはら 八十島やそしまかけて こぎでぬと ひとにはげよ 海人あまぶね」とよくているうたですが、ずいぶん雰囲気ふんいきことなります。

  This poem is similar to the previous one, “わたのはら 八十島やそしまかけて こぎでぬと ひとにはげよ 海人あまぶね” but the atmosphere is quite different.
 ”わたのはら八十島やそしまかけて~” is a 9th-century poem. The author Onono Takamura composed this poem when he was punished and exiled from the capital to an island. “わたのはらでてみれば~” is a 12th-century poem by Hoseiji Nyudo, former Minister of the Grand Council of State for the Emperor’s Affairs. Hoseiji Nyudo was a high-ranking aristocrat.
 Even though they were looking at the same sea, the view they saw must have been completely different. The sea view is refreshing in this song. After this, however, the aristocrat-centered era gave way to the samurai era. The view of the sea would have changed again.


  The view of the ocean, during earthquakes and typhoons, varies greatly. In any case, please stay away from the sea and rivers. Please check the following and other websites to see what you should do during a typhoon. It is also displayed in languages other than Japanese and English.


