


 November is already over. The air has suddenly become colder. The autumn leaves started late this year, and we can still see beautiful autumn leaves in western Japan.
 Last week, I also went out to see the autumn leaves. I went to Kurokawa in Kumamoto Prefecture, an area famous for its hot springs. I was refreshed by seeing beautiful mountains, rivers, and autumn leaves, eating delicious food, and taking a hot spring bath.
 The beautiful scenery is nice. It makes me want to show this scenery to my loved ones. Today I would like to introduce a poem about such a feeling.

小倉山 峰のもみぢ葉 心あらば 今ひとたびの みゆき待たなむ

百人一首ひゃくにんいっしゅ 二十六番 秋


をぐらやま みねのもみぢば こころあらば  いまひとたびの みゆきまたなむ




Mt. Ogura: This is a famous spot in the northwestern part of Kyoto City for its autumn foliage. Fujiwara no Teika, the poet who chose the 100 poems of the Hyakunin Isshu (One Hundred Poems), chose the poems at his villa in this area. It is located near the Arashiyama area, a popular tourist destination. The photo above is of the autumn leaves at a temple on Mt.
The photo below is of the Arashiyama area.


Mine: This word is still used. It is used today as in, “There is snow on the distant peaks of the mountains.”

みね山の頂上ちょうじょう、山の高い所peak, high place on a mountain
もみぢもみじのJapanese maple leaf
こころあらば心があるならif you have a heart
今ひとたびのもう一度だけでもJust one more time
みゆき天皇てんのう皇族こうぞくが出かけることEmperor, Imperial Family outing
待たなむ待ってくれないかWait, please.


Miyuki: Official outings by Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress are now known as gyokokei. They participate in ceremonies, visit welfare facilities, and visit disaster-stricken areas. For details, please refer to the following Imperial Household Agency website.



O maple tree on the peak of Mt. Ogura. If you have a heart, would you please wait for the Emperor to come, just one more time?

 むかしも今も、皇族こうぞくが出かけることは簡単かんたんなことではありません。 天皇てんのうがここに来るまできれいな姿すがたで待っていてほしい、もしくは、来年もまた天皇がこの景色を見られますようにというねがいが、この歌にこめられています。
 大切な人にこの景色を見せたい、このおいしい料理を食べてもらいたい、そういう気持ちを持てることはしあわせせなことですね。 旅行中りょこうちゅう生徒せいとのみなさんにも見せたいなと思う景色がたくさんありました。私の生徒さんは、いろんな国に住んでいます。ときどき、生徒さんの住んでいるところや、旅行したところの写真を見せてもらっています。知っているところ、見たことのないきれいなところの写真を見ながら、楽しい時間をごしています。
 When you see beautiful scenery, you sometimes wish to show this scenery to your loved ones. This is a poem about such straightforward feelings.
 It is not easy for the royal family to go out in the past and now. The poem expresses the wish that the beautiful scenery will wait until the Emperor comes here to see autumn leaves, or that he will be able to see this view again next year.
 It is a blessing to have such a feeling of wanting to show this view to someone special or to make them have this delicious food. During my trip, there were many landscapes that I wanted to show my students. My students live in many different countries. Sometimes I ask my students to show me pictures of where they live or where they have traveled. I have a good time looking at pictures of places I know and beautiful places I have never seen before.



