来ぬ人を ~ waiting for you who will not come ~



 The middle of June has passed. In Japan, hot and humid days continue. The start of the rainy season is late this year, but in Fukuoka, in Fukuoka, the rainy season was declared to have begun on June 18. Rainy days will continue from now on.
 In this issue, I would like to introduce a poem by Fujiwara no Teika, a poet who chose the Hyakunin Isshu, or One Hundred Poems.

来ぬ人を まつほの浦の 夕なぎに
焼くや 藻塩の 身もこがれつつ

百人一首ひゃくにんいっしゅ 九十七番きゅうじゅうしちばん
新勅撰集しんちょくせんしゅう こい


こぬひとを まつほのうらの ゆうなぎに やくや もしおの みもこがれつつ


兵庫県ひょうごけんにある海岸かいがん名前なまえです。うらとは、英語えいごで “inlet”のことです。「まつほのうら」という地名ちめいと、「まつつ (wait) 」という動詞どうしをかけています。

This is the name of a beach in Hyogo Prefecture. ”Ura” means “inlet” in English. It combines the place name “Matsuho-no-ura” and the verb “wait.”


“Moshio” is salt made from seaweed and seawater. It is made by dipping seaweed in seawater and boiling the seawater on the beach.
This phrase represents a fire burning on the beach to make salt.


In modern parlance, it is “to burn oneself.” It expresses a strong desire for something as if the body is burning. The author made the scene of burning seaweed salt on the beach superimposed on the intense feeling of burning oneself.

ひとないひとone who will not come
ゆうなぎに夕方ゆうがたしずかになったうみIn the evening, in the quiet sea
もこがれつがしながらburning with love


At Matsuho no Ura in the evening, I am waiting for someone who will not come. My heart is burning like salt being burned by fire on the beach.


 This poem is about the love of a young girl diver woman. “Ama” is a woman who dives into the sea to collect shellfish and seaweed. In the evening, when the sun has set and it is dimly lit, a fire is burning on a quiet beach to make salt. As if scorched by that fire, she waits impatiently for the person she is in love with.


 Fujiwara no Teika, who composed this poem, was the person who chose the poems of Hyakunin Isshu. Fujiwara no Teika left many poems as a poet. Among them, he chose this poem.
It is said that Fujiwara no Teika was fond of love poems and beautiful poems. He must have felt the beauty with the feeling of a girl waiting for the one she thought of, and the view of the flames making salt in the quiet sea in the evening. When I read this song, I feel as if I can see the scenery of this poem in my mind’s eye.


