わたの原 八十島かけて ~ left for the wide open sea ~


 It is now past the middle of August, but the weather is still hot. In Tokyo, there was heavy rain last week, causing water overflowing in many places.
 Today I would like to introduce a poem about the sea. As a child, I was told not to go to the sea or rivers after Obon.

わたの原 八十島かけて 漕ぎ出でぬと
人には告げよ 海人の釣り舟

百人一首ひゃくにんいっしゅ 十一番


わたのはら やそしまかけて こぎいでぬと ひとにはつげよ あまのつりぶね


わたのはらひろくておおきなうみWide and big sea
八十島やそしまかけておおくのしま目指めざしてAiming for many islands
でぬふねをこいで出発しゅっぱつしましたI rowed the boat and left.
ひとにはつげよ私のっているひとつたえてくださいPlease tell someone I know.
海人あまぶね漁師りょうしふねFisherman’s Boat



The fishermen there. Please tell someone I know that I rowed the boat and left for the wide open sea for many islands.

 みやこはなれ、しまかうときうたです。前半ぜんはんの「わたのはら 八十島やそしまかけて こぎでぬ」の部分ぶぶんには、ひろうみかって出発しゅっぱつするあかるい雰囲気ふんいきがありますが、後半こうはんの「とひとにはげよ」の部分ぶぶんには、っているひと直接ちょくせつわかれをつたえられないくら雰囲気ふんいきかんじます。
 This is a poem about leaving the capital for an island. The first half, “Watanohara, Yasoshima kakete Kogiidenu,” has a cheerful atmosphere of departing for the wide open sea. However, the second half, “to Hito niwa tsugeyo,” has a darker atmosphere of not being able to tell people you know goodbye in person.
 If you leave for just a trip, it would be more like, “I’m off to ~.” and “Take care.” However, asking a fisherman you see at sea, whom you do not know, to “tell someone I know that I have left” is not normal. It is when there are some reasons or you are in a state of mind where you cannot see people.


 This poem was composed by a man named Takamura, a councilor when he incurred the Emperor’s wrath and was exiled to an island far from the capital. The word “怒りを買う” means to provoke someone to anger, which is an interesting expression. “島に流される” means to be punished and sent to a remote island.
 The feeling you get when you are punished and cast away from the glamorous capital to an island across the sea, you will not want to see
even your closest friends.
 This poem describes a shadowy feeling in a bright sea atmosphere. That makes the poem memorable.


 Thank you for reading this far today.
It has not yet cooled off in Japan, but August is almost over. Please take care of yourself.

