Again, this time it is a poem about plum blossoms. The poet introduced here is also very famous. The plum trees in my neighborhood are blooming beautifully, too.
人はいさ 心も知らず ふるさとは 花ぞ昔の 香ににほひける
百人一首 三十五番
古今和歌集 春
ひゃくにんいっしゅ さんじゅうごばん
こきんわかしゅう はる
ひとはいさ こころもしらず ふるさとは はなぞむかしの かににほひける
“にほひ” is read as “におい.”
「におう」は現在はsmell ですが、当時は「美しく咲く」という意味でした。また、昔はひらがなの使い方も、いくつか違うものがあります。
人はいさ心もしらず: I don’t know about people’s minds.
ふるさと: hometown, but here it means a place the author knows well.
花ぞむかしの香にひほひける: Plum blossoms are just as beautiful as they used to be.
The word “におう” is “smell” now, but in those days it meant “beautiful blooming. Some hiragana was described in a different way from the current way.
I don’t understand people’s minds, but the plum blossoms in this village are blooming as beautifully as they used to.
背景・はいけい・the back ground
袖ひぢて むすびし水の こほれるを 春立つ今日の 風やとくらむ
Kino Tsurayuki. A famous poet of his time. He left many poems about plum blossoms. This poem was composed when he went to an inn in Nara Prefecture for the first time in a long time. The word “yado” means inn, a lodging facility. This word is not used much nowadays.
The woman innkeeper said, “The inn is just as it used to be, but it has been a long time since you came the last time. I guess people change their minds.” Then, he broke a plum branch off and composed this poem.
I don’t know if your heart is the same as it was in the past, too. But the plums in this village that I know so well are blooming as beautifully as they used to be in the past.
This story may make you think that he was a player, but he is known to have been an integrity bureaucrat who disliked injustice.
He was ordered by the emperor to compile the Kokin Waka Shu (Anthology of Ancient and Modern Japanese Poetry). He also wrote the oldest diary literature in Japan, “Tosa Nikki (Tosa Diary). This poem introduced previously was also composed by him.
I’m jealous of his occupation, poet.