もろともにあはれと思へ ~ I want you to love me, too ~


 In the previous time, I introduced someiyoshino and yaezakura cherry. Someiyoshino was the one with five petals and yaezakura was the one with many petals. Today, I would like to introduce a poem about yamazakura and yamazakura, which are said to be close to the original species (original). Like the yaezakura, it blooms after someiyoshino.


 The photo below shows someiyoshino. It has five petals. The flower blooms before the leaves appear. They are very gorgeous flowers.


 The cherry below is Oshima-zakura, one of the mountain cherry trees. This one also has five petals. The flowers bloom at the same time as the leaves appear. It is a cherry tree with a strong fragrance. It has a slightly subdued atmosphere.

落ち着いたおちついたsubdued, calm

もろともに あはれと思へ 山桜 花よりほかに 知る人もなし

さきの大僧正だいそうじょう行尊ぎょうそん (1055-1135)
百人一首ひゃくにんいっしゅ 六十六番ろくじゅうろくばん
金葉和歌集きんようわかしゅう」 ざつ


もろともに あはれとおもへ やまざくら はなよりほかに しるひともなし


もろともにいっしょに together
あはれと思へいとしいと思ってほしいI want you to love me
花よりほかに この花の他にはBesides this flower
る人もなし知っている人がいないNo one else knows


”Itoshii” is a word that expresses one’s feelings toward one’s partner, children, or other people one truly cares about.
Like “Aishiteiru” it is not often used in everyday conversation, but it is used as follows
  I dream of a future with my beloved.
  I really love my child.



I want you to love me, too, mountain cherry blossom. Because there is no one here who knows me but this flower.

 この歌をんだ行尊ぎょうそん は、とても厳しい修行を積んだ人として、知られています。深い山の中で、ひとり厳しい修行をしている時に、偶然山桜やまざくらを見かけてんだ歌です。

 Gyoson, who composed this poem, is known as a person who underwent severe ascetic training. He composed this poem when he happened to see mountain cherry blossoms while he was experiencing severe ascetic training alone in the deep mountains.
 Yamazakura is a more subdued cherry tree than Someiyoshino. In the language of flowers, yamazakura means “birei,” “anata ni hohoemu,” and “junketsu. “Birei” means beautiful and gorgeous. “Hohoemu” means to smile quietly. “Junketsu” means the mind with purity and beauty.
 When you hear the language of mountain cherry blossoms, don’t you feel like you can imagine a little how Gyoson was feeling when he composed this poem? I want the beautiful mountain cherry blossoms to understand my deep loneliness. It conveys such feelings.

厳しいきびしいsevere, strict
修行を積むしゅぎょうをつむundergo ascetic training
偶然ぐうぜんcontingently, happened to ~
花言葉はなことばthe language of flowers
~気がする~きがするfeel like ~
深い孤独ふかいこどくdeep loneliness
気持ちが伝わるきもちがつたわるfeelings are conveyed


  Thank you for reading this far today. In the Hyakunin Isshu, there are six poems about cherry blossoms. This time I was able to introduce all six poems. Summer is approaching.

