めぐりあひて ~ though I could see you ~



March 8 is International Women’s Day. I hope everyone had a good time. Today, I would like to introduce a poem by Murasaki Shikibu, a great Japanese woman writer.

女性作家じょせいさっかwoman writer

めぐり逢ひて 見しやそれとも わかぬ間に 雲がくれにし 夜半の月かな

紫式部 (9??-10??)
百人一首 五十七番
新古今和歌集 雑

ひゃくにんいっしゅ ごじゅうしちばん
しんこきんわかしゅう ぞう


めぐりあひて みしやそれとも わかぬまに くもがくれにし よはのつきかな



巡りあひてめぐりあってmeet by chance
見しや見たものがwhat I saw
それともわかぬ間にそれと判断できない間にbefore I could not knew it
雲がくれにし雲にかくれてしまうhide behind the clouds
夜半の月かな夜中の月ですねThe Moon late at night



It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you, but you leave before I even know if it’s you. It’s like the moon that soon hides behind the clouds.


 This poem is not a love song, but a song for a friend.
 Murasaki Shikibu was in her twenties when she lived away from the capital due to her father’s work. A friend visited her for the first time in a long while, but she left without having enough time to talk. The good times go by fast. Unlike today, there were no telephones and letters could not be sent easily. It must have been very lonely. This poem compares the friend leaving soon after to the moon hiding in the clouds.

みやこcapital (old term)
AをBに例えるたとえるA is linken to B


She is a famous writer of the 11th century. She wrote “The Tale of Genji,” considered one of the greatest works of Japanese literature.
The Tale of Genji” is the story of a beautiful aristocratic man, Hikaru Genji, and the women who surrounded him. It is a very glamorous story. Many women appear in the story, and they are all very attractive. The feelings of each woman and the hardships of a life that does not turn out the way they want are very carefully depicted.

日本文学にほんぶんがくJapanese literature
最高傑作さいこうけっさくthe greatest work
源氏物語げんじものがたりThe Tale of Genji
華やかなはなやかなgorgeous, brilliant
思い通りにならないおもいどおりにならない~ don’t turn out the way one wants


Although the story was written in the 11th century, the feelings of the characters can be felt by those of us living today. Since it was first translated into English by Englishman Arthur Waley in 1921, it has now been translated into 32 languages. 2000-year-old-tale continues to be loved across time and countries.


 ”The Tale of Genji” has been adapted into a manga by Waki Yamato. It is the work named “Asaki Yumemishi. Her illustrations are beautiful and the customs of the time are conveyed very clearly. The title “Asakiyumemishi” is taken from an old poem. It is said to mean “I don’t want to have shallow dreams” in today’s language.


Japanese students learn classics in junior high and high school in Japanese schools, so many of them read this manga to understand “The Tale of Genji” when they were teenagers. I read this work when I was in high school. My friends and I would discuss which woman we liked best and the personalities and charms of the characters. There is a bilingual version written in English, so if you are interested, give it a try.

