かささぎの ~ On the bridge made by magpies ~


 Christmas is over and the year 2025 is about to pass. Did you all have a pleasant Christmas? I grilled chicken and spent Christmas with my family. Now, I am doing big cleaning and little by little making New Year dishes. December is a busy month.
 I want to introduce a poem about a winter night to close the year.

かささぎの 渡せる橋に おく霜の 白きを見れば 夜ぞ更けにける

中納言家持 (718-785)
百人一首 六番 冬 


かささぎの わたせるはしに おくしもの しろきをみれば よぞふけにける


 上の写真の鳥です。カラスの仲間ですが、カラスより少し小さく、お腹の部分が白い鳥です。ロッシーニのオペラ「どろぼうかささぎ・La gazza ladra」に出てくる鳥と言えば、わかる人もいるかもしれません。
 この鳥は「七夕」という伝説に出てきます。1年に1度だけ「天の川・Milkey Way」を渡って会う夫婦の話です。この二人が会う時に、かささぎが「天の川」に橋をかけると言われています。「かささぎの渡せる橋」とは、この橋のことです。

 It is a member of the crow family, but a little smaller than a crow, and has a white belly. You may recognize it from Rossini’s opera “La gazza ladra.”
 This bird appears in the “Tanabata” legend, where a couple meets once a year by crossing a bridge made by magpies over the Milky Way. “Kasasagi’s Crossing Bridge” refers to the bridge in this legend.
 This bridge may also refer to the palace stairs, often called a “bridge to heaven.”

~の渡せる橋に~がかけた橋にin the bridge that ~ has crossed.
おく霜のつもる霜のThe frost that accumulates
白き白さThe whiteness
夜ぞふけにける夜がふけてきたNight has fallen.



Frost is falling on the steps of the court. The sky is full of stars. This must be what a magpie’s bridge over the Milky Way looks like. I realize that it is getting late at night.


 Some interpret the poem as describing stars like frost in the night sky, while others see it as frost on palace steps. Another theory is that Otomo no Iemochi wrote it during night duty. Both theories evoke the transparent beauty of a winter night.
 The author, Otomo no Iemochi was a bureaucrat and poet. He left behind many beautiful poems, but with a little research, we see not-so-gentle words like an attempted coup d’etat, retaliatory personnel actions, etc. The 8th century in which he lived must have been an unstable time. It was when “Kojiki” and “Nihonshoki,” said to be the oldest history books in Japan, were born. This poem captures the beautiful scenery of such an era.



 I started this blog in January of this year because one of the learners loves the classics. I wanted to create something interesting for such learners and deepen my knowledge as well.
 I chose the Hyakunin Isshu as one of the themes because I did not have to worry about copyrights, and also because I thought I would not run out of material for the time being since there are 100 poems. But there was also the frustration that writing about the Hyakunin Isshu would be similar to other blogs, and I sometimes found it a bit hard to continue.
 Still, there are people worldwide who read my blog, though not many, that has been a great source of encouragement. I, too, have learned a lot through writing this. I am very grateful to all the learners for giving me a chance to start something new.
 I will continue to do so in the coming year. Thank you for reading my blog over the past year. I wish you all a wonderful year in 2025, the year of 2025.

