Last week, due to solar flares, I heard that the Northern Lights could be seen in many areas. I couldn’t see them where I live, but the learners showed me many photos. Everyone said the pictures were more beautiful than the actual auroras, but they were amazing.
~の影響で | under the influence of ~ |
実際の~ | the actual ~ |
春すぎて 夏来にけらし 白妙の 衣ほすてふ 天の香具山
持統天皇 (645-703)
百人一首 二番
新古今和歌集 夏
しんこきんわかしゅう なつ
はるすぎて なつきにけらし しろたへの ころもほすてふ あまのかぐやま
春すぎて | 春が過ぎて | spring has passed |
夏来にけらし | 夏が来たようだ | summer seems to have arrived |
衣ほすてふ | 着物を干すと言われている | It is said (someone) to dry the kimonos |
「白妙の」は、「衣」、「袖」、「帯」などの着物に関係する言葉、「富士」など雪に関係する言葉と一緒に使います。 以下の記事でも枕詞について、説明しています。読んでみてください。
”Shirotaeno” means “pure white cloth,” but it is often used as a pillow talker. It is a kind of adjective, which has certain words that are used with it. Pillow words do not have much meaning. They are used in waka poems to set the rhythm.
”Shirotaeno” is used with words related to kimono such as “robe,” “sleeve,” and “obi,” and words related to snow such as “Fuji. The following article also explains and describes pillow words. Please read it.
”Amanokaguyama” is a mountain located in Nara Prefecture, Japan. There was a capital there in the period before the time when this poem was composed. There are many myths related to this mountain.
真っ白 | pure white |
リズムを整える | set the rhythm |
~に関係する… ~に関係のある… | … related to ~ |
Spring has passed and summer seems to have arrived. I heard that in the Amanokaguyama pure white clothes were hung out to dry at this time of year. This season makes me as if I see that landscape.
この歌は、私が百人一首で一番好きな歌のひとつです。 青い空、緑の山、真っ白な布が干されている景色が目に浮かんできませんか?
This is one of my favorite poems in the Hyakunin Isshu. Do you feel as if you see the blue sky, green mountains, and pure white clothes drying out?
It is a pleasantly sunny and pleasant time of year at the beginning of summer. When I see this poem, I can see bright colors and refreshing scenery.
Waka poems are composed with the idea of sharing with others what moves them, such as what they find beautiful, enjoyable, or painful. For this reason, waka often incorporates things that everyone finds beautiful, such as cherry blossoms in spring, the sky and water in summer, and autumn leaves in autumn.
Even if you are in a place without mountains, when you see this poem, the blue sky, green mountains, and pure white clothes hung out to dry come to mind and make you feel refreshed. Even if you do not see something beautiful in front of your eyes, you can compose a poem just by imagining it.
The author of this poem, Emperor Jito, did not see the scenery of white clothes drying at the foot of Mt. Amanokaguyama. However, looking at the pleasant sky in May, she may have imagined the scenery of people in ancient times drying white cloths and composed this poem.
目に浮かぶ | can imagine ~ ~ comes to mind |
V-る気がする | feel as if I ~ |
~を共有する | share ~ |
The author of this poem, Emperor Jito, was a female emperor. Female emperors who had existed in the past had ascended to the throne temporarily, for example, after the death of their husbands.
Emperor Jito ordered his subordinates to maintain the laws of the time.
存在する | exist |
亡くなる | pass away |
即位する | ascended to the throne |
命じる | order |
整備する | maintain, legislate |
Thank you for reading this far today. How did you like the song that evokes the colors of early summer? I hope you enjoyed it.