高砂の 尾上の桜 ~ Sakura on that distant mount ~


 This is a poem about cherry blossoms. Speaking of Japan, cherry blossoms are the most popular. In my neighborhood, the cherry blossoms have not yet bloomed, but I heard that in some places they have already started to bloom.

高砂の 尾上の桜 咲きにけり 外山の霞 たたずもあらなむ

権中納言匡房 (1041-1111)
百人一首 七十三番 春

ごんちゅうなごん まさふさ
ひゃくにんいっしゅ しちじゅうさんばん


たかさごの おのうへのさくら さきにけり とやまのかすみ たたずもあらなむ


高砂の高く積もった砂のof sand piled high
尾上の桜山頂の桜Cherry blossoms at the top of the mountain
咲きにけり咲いたなあIt’s in bloom
外山の霞たたずもあらなむ近い山の霞がたたないでほしいI hope the haze of the nearby mountains doesn’t appear


 ”Takasago no” means “high piles of sand,” but here it is used to mean “high mountains in the distance.”


 ”Kasumi” is the same as “kiri” and is a phenomenon in which water vapor in the air is cooled to form water droplets. When kasumi occurs, it isn’t easy to see clearly in front of you or the distance. In English, it is called “fog.” Both “kasumi” and “kiri” are the same phenomenon, but “kasumi” is used only in spring.



Cherry blossoms bloom on top of that mountain. I hope the haze doesn’t appear on the nearby mountains so that I can enjoy watching the cherry blossoms.


 The cherry blossom season often brings rain, and because it’s still a bit cold, haze is common. The mountains in spring often have a haze, making them appear whitish. Since cherry blossoms only bloom in spring, I want to watch them without being disturbed by the haze.



When you read some Japanese, especially explanations of the Japanese classics, you will notice that the word “なあ” is often used at the end of sentences.
 It is used in a variety of situations, but it is especially common when talking to oneself. It is often used when you are moved by an emotion, when you are going through a difficult time, or when you are expressing a wish

・独り言をいう時 When talking to yourself 

きれいだなあ。How beautiful!
今日は疲れたなあ。I’m tired today.
今日は寒いなあ。It’s cold today.
田中さんは元気ないなあ。今日はどうしたのかなあ。Mr. Tanaka doesn’t seem to be in good spirits. I wonder what’s going on today.
ここまで片付けたし、もう、いいかなあ。Now that I’ve cleared this up, I guess it’s time.

・願望を表す時 When expressing a desire

もっと桜が見たいなあ。I want to see the cherry blossoms more.
いいなあ。I’m jealous.
あの車、欲しいなあ。I want that car.

・アニメやマンガでは、次のような表現を相手に言うことがありますが、乱暴に聞こえるので、慣     れないうちは、あまり使わない方がいいと思います。

 In anime and manga, the following expressions are sometimes said to the other person, but since they sound rude, it is better not to use them if you are not used to them.

お前、本当にだめだな。You’re really no good.
お前がやったんだな。You did it, didn’t you?
じゃあ、またな。Well, see you later.


