恋すてふ ~ I’m in love ~

 2月ももう半ばです。みなさんはどんなバレンタインデーを過ごしましたか。おいしいチョコレートを食べましたか?私は今年はドイツの Ritter Sport のチョコレートを買いました。

It is already the middle of February. How did you spend your Valentine’s Day? Did you eat delicious chocolates? This year I ate chocolates from Ritter Sport in Germany.
I want to introduce another love poem.

恋すてふ わが名はまだき 立ちにけり 人知れずこそ 思ひそめしか

百人一首 四十一番
拾遺集 恋

ひゃくにんいっしゅ よんじゅういちばん
しゅういしゅう こい


 こひすてふ わがなはまだき たちにけり ひとしれずこそ おもひそめしか


The words and hiragana readings used in tanka and haiku are different from those used today. The current readings are as follows:

 こいすちょう わがなはまだき たちにけり ひとしれずこそ おもいそめしか

恋すてふ 恋をしているbeing in love
わが名はまだきたちにけり私のうわさがもうたっているThere are already rumors about me
So that it won’t be known to others.
思いそめしかあなたのことを思いはじめていたのにEven though I had just started thinking about you.



Rumors of me being in love have already spread. I tried to keep it a secret from everyone. I had just started thinking about that person.


Being in love is something you don’t want many people to know about. But it seems like everyone around you finds out quickly.
You might have already noticed that the poem I introduced this time is similar to the one I introduced the last time. Both the poem “恋すてふ” this time and the poem “しのぶれど” from last time were composed at the same poetry gathering. The theme of the poetry gathering was “忍ぶ恋/concealed love.” “お題” means theme. ”忍ぶ恋” means a love that is kept secret. Both poems were good, so it was difficult to decide which one was better at the gathering, but the poem “Shinoburedo” by Taira no Kanemori was chosen. Which poem do you prefer?

