The poem introduced here is by a woman named Sei Shonagon. Like Murasaki Shikibu, whom I introduced earlier, she is a famous female writer. While Murasaki Shikibu wrote “The Tale of Genji”, Sei Shonagon left behind a collection of essays called “The Pillow Book”.
清少納言 | せいしょうなごん | A women writer in the 11th |
枕草子 | まくらのそうし | “The Pillow Book” written by sei shonagon |
紫式部 | むらさきしきぶ | A women writer in the 11th |
源氏物語 | げんじものがたり | “The Tale of Genji” written by Murasaki Shikibu |
物語 | ものがたり | story, narrative |
(作品を)残す | (さくひんを)のこす | leave works |
夜をこめて 鳥の空音は 謀るとも よに逢坂の 関は許さじ
清少納言 (96?-102?)
百人一首 六十二番 雑
ひゃくにんいっしゅ ろくじゅうにばん ざつ
よをこめて とりのそらねは はかるとも よにあふさかの せきはゆるさじ
夜をこめて | まだ夜が明けないうちに | While it is not yet dawn. |
鳥の空音は | にわとりの鳴きまねで | in imitation of a chicken’s song |
はかるとも | だまそうとしても | even tough you try to deceive me |
逢坂の関はゆるさじ | 私に会いに来るのは許しません | I will not allow you to come to see me |
Ousaka-no-Seki is a barrier located east of Kyoto. A barrier is a place where people and goods are checked as they pass through large streets and waterways. It has an important role in protecting the city.
関所 | せきしょ | barrier |
通り | とおり | street |
水路 | すいろ | waterways |
役割 | やくわり | role |
When written in hiragana, it is the same character as “あふ (meet),” so “Ousaka-no-seki” is used as a metaphor for something between a man and a woman, and “crossing the Ousaka-no-seki” for going to meet someone you love.
I won’t allow you to meet me, even if you imitate the crow of a rooster before dawn.
With all this, you don’t know what it means. I will explain under what circumstances this song was composed.
清少納言がある男の人と夜を過ごしていました。男の人は、夜がまだ明けないうちに、仕事があると言って帰ってしまいます。男の人は後で、「にわとりの鳴き声に急かされてしまって (急がないといけない仕事があって) 」と言い訳の手紙を送ります。
Sei Shonagon spent the night with a man. Before dawn broke, the man left, saying he had work to do. The man later sends a letter of excuse, saying that he was rushed by the chicken’s cry (he had some urgent work to do).
にわとりの鳴き声 | にわとりのなきごえ | the chicken’s cry |
真似る | まねる | imitate |
場面 | ばめん | circumstance |
急かされる | せかされる | be rushed |
言い訳 | いいわけ | excuse |
When Sei Shonagon sees the letter, she compares it to an old Chinese story and replies.
”There is a story about a famous Chinese man who, when fleeing from his enemies, imitated the cries of a chicken to get them to open a barrier that would not open until morning. It must have been the same imitation. It’s a lie.”
”I will not allow you to treat me lightly.” She used the Chinese classic to convey that feeling.
例える | たとえる | compare |
敵 | てき | enemy |
関所 | せきしょ | barrier |
鳴きまね | なきまね | make a sound like a rooster |
嘘 | うそ | lie |
軽く扱う | かるくあつかう | treat lightly |
The man writes back.
”No,” he says. “It is not a lie like the story of that barrier. I meant I wanted to cross the Ousaka barrier to meet you.”
This is a rhyme to the Chinese barrier and the Osaka barrier. The word “かける” here is “rhyme” in English. It is a technique of using different words with the same sound.
「中国の関所の人は騙せても、私を騙して逢坂の関を越えること (私に会うこと) はできません」
Upon seeing the reply, Sei Shonagon composed the above poem.
You may be able to deceive the people at the Chinese barrier, but you will not be able to deceive me into crossing the Osaka barrier (to meet me).
騙す | だます | deceive |
越える | こえる | pass |
Kanbun is classical Chinese literature, philosophy, and history. In the past, Japanese aristocrats learned philosophy from Chinese literature and incorporated this knowledge into politics.
At that time, women were not allowed to be involved in politics. However, Sei Shonagon had a very good knowledge of Chinese literature. She wrote a work called “The Pillow Book. The Pillow Book was written in the Japanese language of the time, but in a unique style that incorporated the expressions and ideas of Chinese writing. “The Pillow Book” is a collection of essays in which Sei Shonagon wrote about her impressions of the beauty of nature and everyday events.
Sei Shonagon was from the same period as Murasaki Shikibu, who wrote “The Tale of Genji” introduced earlier. Both “The Pillow Book” and “The Tale of Genji” are among the most famous literary works in Japan. In Japan, students learn about “The Pillow Book” in junior high school and a little about “The Tale of Genji” in high school.
Both are wonderful works that show us that people more than 1,000 years ago were thinking, feeling, and living just as we do today.
I think it was a little difficult about Chinese literature and the techniques of using words. I hope you can imagine a little what kind of woman Sei Shonagon was. Thank you for reading this far.