二十四節気とは、古いカレンダーのひとつです。 今では使われていませんが、このカレンダーに関係する習慣や行事がたくさんあります。
“Nijuusisekki” is one of the old calendars. There are a lot of customs and events relating to this calendar, though it isn’t used that much now. Let’s learn some of that.
旧暦・きゅうれき・the Old Calender
It is still cold, but according to the old calendar called “Nijushisekki,” spring begins on February 4, 2024.
Nijushisekki is one of the old calendars. It is a calendar that divides the year into 24 segments based on the movement of the Sun as seen from the Earth. “Koyomi” is a calendar. In the old days, Japan used this calendar and the lunar calendar. Nowadays, we use the new calendar. The new calendar is the Gregorian calendar.
二十四節気・にじゅうしせっき・24 Solar Terms 古い・ふるい・old 使われている・つかわれている・be used Aに関係するB・AにかんけいするB B relating to A 習慣・しゅうかん・customs 行事・ぎょうじ・events 寒い日・さむいひ・cold days 続く・つづく・continue 暦・こよみ・calendar 動き・うごき・movement/N 地球・ちきゅう・Earth 太陽・たいよう・Sun ~をもとにして・based on ~ 分ける・わける・devide 昔・むかし・past 新暦・しんれき・New Calendar グレゴリオ暦・ぐれごりおれき
立春・りっしゅん・the first day of spring
We still hear words related to the old calendars.
When you listen to the news, you hear the words, “The calendar says it’s spring now.” This means that it is now spring according to the 24 solar terms calendar. This day is called Risshun.
今でも・いまでも・still now 始まる・はじまる・start 日・ひ・day 立春・りっしゅん・the first day of spring
the day before new seasons on lunar calender
The day before Risshun is called Setsubun. On this day, people throw beans. This is an event to drive away demons by scattering soybeans. Demons are “things that bring bad things such as illness and injury. And people in the past felt the power of life in soybean beans. So on the day before Rissyun, they thought of using the power of beans to drive away bad things and welcome spring.
You have probably seen pictures of ogres with horns and wearing tiger-patterned pants. People in the past drew such pictures of ogres as a symbol of “bad things”.
I believe that demons are in our hearts. Anger, greed, jealousy, and arrogance. I will try to quell the ogres in my heart while eating beans.
節分・せつぶん・the day before new seasons on lunar calender 豆・まめ・beans 豆まき・まめまき・bean throwing 大豆・だいず・Soybeans 鬼・おに・ogre 追い払う・おいはらう・drive away 病気・びょうき・disease けが・injury 悪いもの・something bad 運ぶ・はこぶ・carry 迎える・むかえる・welcome 角・つの・horn 柄・がら・pattern 象徴・しょうちょう・symbol 絵を描く・えをかく・draw a picture 心の中・こころのなか・in the heart 怒り・いかり・anger 欲・よく・greed 嫉妬・しっと・jealousy 傲慢な心・ごうまんなこころ・arrogance 鎮める・しずめる・calm, quell
Today, I think there were so many words you had never heard of and kanji you did not know how to read. The good point of kanji is that even if you see a word for the first time, you can somehow imagine what it means. I hope you will develop the ability to read words while imagining their meanings.
Thank you for reading this far.
聞いたことのない言葉・きいたことのないことば words you have never heard of 読み方のわからない漢字・よみかたのわからないかんじ kanji whose reading is not known 初めて見る漢字・はじめてみるかんじ First time seeing kanji なんとなく意味が想像できる・なんとなくいみがそうぞうできる You can somehow imagine the meaning 言葉の意味を想像しながら・ことばのいみをそうぞうしながら While imagine what the words mean 読む力をつける・よむちからをつける develop reading ability V-てほしい・I want you to do ~